Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Obama Care was made to sound good.  It had good packaging, good marketing, lots of artificial wind in the sails....until people began trying to use it.

Here are a few obvious reasons Obama Care is a dismal, almost total failure for poor or even low middle income families.

1.  Obama Care has high annual deductibles.  To get a plan with an affordable premium, you will be saddled with an annual deductible up to $5,000 or more.  You must pay the first $5,000 in medical bills yourself before Obama Care pays one penny.  If you can't afford the first $5,000, you might as well not have insurance.

2.  Premiums are much higher than they were.  There is nothing affordable about Obama Care.  Most people do not qualify for subsidies (free government help).  If you don't, expect to pay at least $280 a month for an individual plan and up to $900 a month for a family plan.

3.  An Obama policy will still leave you stuck with a substantial portion of your medical bill.  Most plans have at least a 20 percent copay.  For every $1,000 paid by Obama Care, you have to pay $200 yourself.  Some plans have even higher co-pays.  The co-pays are in addition to the annual deductible.

Therefore, the whole concept is based on slick marketing, lies and myths.  Obama Care has helped a relatively few people who qualify for government handouts (subsidies) and a small group of people who were uninsurable.  But the average American was much better off before Obama Care.

As this post has stated frequently, the "Affordable Care Act" has nothing to do with helping Americans get or pay for medical care.  It is about shifting medical care and medical choices over to the federal government.  

The federal health insurance laws need to be seriously overhauled to fix the serious problems.  We don't know if a better law can be drafted but we do know that nothing could be as bad as the one we now have.