Wednesday, February 5, 2014


The "Affordable" Care Act is a Trojan Horse.  The more we find out about it, the less appealing it becomes.  Here are 3 of the greatest myths or fairytales about Obama Care.

 1).  Working people are now paying the healthcare bills of those who don't have health insurance.  This will cease to be the case under Obama Care.  False.  False.  False. Exactly the opposite is true for reasons explained below.

2)  Nearly everyone will have health insurance under the "Affordable" Care Act.  Wrong.  Wrong.  Wrong.  In fact, there will be more people with no de facto health insurance than ever before, partly because of the huge co-payments and deductibles with Obama Care.

3)  Americans will have greater, more affordable access to health insurance.  Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!  You may have a lot of trouble keeping your doctor or finding a good new one.

Here is the disgusting truth.

      Under private health insurance, you got to choose your deductible, the amount you pay out of pocket before your health insurance begins to pay.  Many people had deductibles of $250 to $500 a year under their own health plans.  In short, when they spent $250 out of their pocket, their medical insurance paid the most of the bill from there on.  Under Obama Care, most health insurance plans that are affordable have annual deductibles of $5,000 to $7,500 per year.  Yes, for real.  You have no medical coverage for the first $5,000 to $7,500 of annual medical expense!  That amounts to NO INSURANCE for most Americans.  For example, if you have an Obama plan with a $7,500 annual deductible and go to the hospital or ER.....and.....

YOUR BILL IS   $950.00
YOU PAY           $950.00

YOUR BILL IS    $4,600
YOU PAY            $4,600

YOUR BILL IS    $10,000
YOU PAY             $ 7,500
OBAMA PAYS    $2,500

Of course, you may be able to find a plan with a lower annual deductible.  However, it will cost you much more than your plan cost before Obama Care.  So, in effect, the cost of any decent health plan will go UP, not down.

Does the average American family have money lying around to pay the first $5,000 of a medical bill?  Does a poor American family have that much?  Of course not.  So, what happens?  The individual has, in effect, no health insurance.  He goes to the emergency room because the ER can't turn him away without treatment.  (Hey, isn't that the same system we have now?).  The problem is, nearly everyone will have that sorry system under the "Affordable" Care Act, whereas, before--at least some people had really good insurance.  Not any more!  Not unless they can pay an arm and a leg for it.

Then, there is the matter of co-pays.  A co-pay is the percentage of the medical bill that the insured has to pay AFTER the insurance plan has paid all it will pay.  Under most private insurance plans before Obama Care, co-pays were seldom above 10 percent, often a fraction of that.  So if you had a $10,000 medical bill (one night in the hospital), you might pay a co-pay (your share) of $200 to $1,000.  

The co-pay (your share) under most Obama Care plans is 30 percent.    Thus, with a 10,000 medical bill, you would expect to pay the first $5,000 as a deductible, plus 30 percent copay on the remaining $5,000 - another $1,500 out of your pocket.  Wait a minute, out of a $10,000 medical bill, you end up paying $6,500 yourself while Obama Care pays $3,500? What are you paying insurance premiums for?

And for that wonderful coverage you are paying MORE in premiums than you paid the insurance company for far superior coverage prior to Obama Care!  A really good policy that might have cost you $140 a month previously is exchanged for a poor policy that costs you $200 to $350 a month!  And for much, much less coverage. 

The obvious lies about "Affordable" Care are plain for all to see:
  • Like your present insurance policy?  You can keep it.  (False, as we now know).
  • Like your doctor?  Keep him/her.  (False- they won't take the sorry insurance)!
  • Everyone will have access to medical care.  (Not unless you got big bucks for deductibles and co-payments, which most people don't).  As of October 28, 2015 the Government says less than 40 million people have bought Obama Care.  The population of the US is 319 million.  That's not close to everyone!
  • No one is turned away due to a pre-existing condition.  (True, but they have to afford up to 65 percent of the first $10,000 in medical bills each year - plus the premiums they cough up for the sorry insurance they're being sold.  It may be a good deal for a relatively few individuals with catastrophic illnesses who will pay 65 cents on the dollar instead of 100 cents on the dollar, but it punishes millions to reward a much smaller number; not be best way to fix the problem).
  • Emergency rooms will no longer have to bear the burden of providing free treatment for those who don't have insurance.  (Yes they will, because millions cannot come up with the first $5,000 of the bill plus an extra couple of thousand for co-payments; thus, even more folks will wind up in the ER than before)!
  • Doctors will be so eager to accept Obama Care benefits that all patients will be welcomed with open arms and treatment plans.  (Biggest lie of all.  Doctors and hospitals HATE Obama Care with a purple passion; many are either going broke or quitting the practice of medicine rather than face the scourge of "Affordable" Care).  PS:  Doctors got sold down the river by some professional lobbies that supported "Affordable" Care and are mad as ---- now that they know the truth! It's hard to find a real doctor who likes or supports "Affordable" Care!  Have you asked your doctor? Mine hates it!


Originally, the mandates for businesses to provide health insurance for their employees were supposed to become effective in 2014.  The mandates were delayed because of public concern about the dysfunctional website used to sign up for "Affordable" care and, frankly, because it would have flattened job growth and devastated the economy.  So, the president reluctantly delayed the requirement for business to provide health care insurance to their employees.

Even with those delays, we saw some pretty awful consequences of "Affordable" care.  Millions of Americans lost their insurance policies as insurers who could not meet the federal mandates opted to cancel their policies.  Mostly affected were Americans who purchased their own health insurance.  Since most Americans have health insurance through their employers, they were temporarily spared the painful cancellations and costly premium increases.

But now, the mandates are about to kick in for business.  80 percent of Americans who are insured by their employers will now face the agony of those who had individual health insurance policies.

If you think there was an angry howl about policy cancellations, premium increases, increased co-pays and deductibles before, just wait until employers have to meet all the health insurance mandates under "Affordable" care!  Here's what we're going to see:
  • More companies will become Forty-Niners, that is, companies with only 49 employees--since many mandates can be avoided by employers with fewer than 50 workers.  How do you get down to 49 employees?  Simple.  Keep a few key employees on full-time and put all the others on a part-time basis with no insurance, no benefits.  It's already happening all over the county and more medium sized companies are set to become Forty-Niners.
  • Companies will try hard not to hire new workers, especially full-time workers who qualify for mandated insurance under Obama Care.  This will flat-line the job growth numbers, which are already dismally low when viewed without the political spin.
  • The short term economy will decline, not grow.  Companies that show signs of financial success will be punished by mandates that will cost them millions of dollars.  Smaller companies will be forced out of business altogether. It will be progressively harder to start a new business.
  • Long term, the economy will grow dismally slow, like the European economies that absorb extravagant taxes to support big social programs. A sluggish economy will be thought of as the new normal.
  • Ultimately, more Americans will be without health insurance than before Obama Care. Deductibles (the part of health care you must pay yourself before insurance begins to pay) averaged $250 a year prior to Obama Care.  Under Obama Care, the average deductible will increase to around $5,000 per year.  Since most folks do not have $5,000 a year to pay this deductible, the effect is that they will not have any health insurance coverage under Obama Care. On top of the huge deductible, Obama Care policies average paying about 70 percent of your hospital bill (vs. 80 to 100 percent prior to Obama Care)!  Do the math and feel the pain.
There is nothing "affordable" about Obama care, either for the US economy or for the family.